After-hour Emergency Care Schedule

We've Updated Our After-hour Emergency Care Schedule.
Our emergency hours have changed. Please note the following information in the time of an emergency. We will continue to provide emergency services for our current clients, meaning we have seen your pet within the past year, during our normal hospital hours. If we determine that your pet requires a level of care that we cannot provide, we will coordinate your pet's referral to the appropriate critical care or specialty hospital. After-hours emergencies will be referred to one of the following emergency care locations.
In the event of an after-hours emergency, please contact or go to one of the following hospitals:
West Central Ohio Veterinary Emergency Services
3077 Harding Highway
Lima, OH 45804
Monday – Thursday 6pm – 8am
Friday night 6pm until Monday morning at 8am
Open 24 hours on all major holidays
Northeast Indiana Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
5818 Maplecrest Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
24 Hour Continuous Care Facility
The team at Delphos Animal Hospital strives to deliver high quality medical and surgical care to your canine and feline companions. High-quality care requires many factors, including a fully-staffed team. To maintain the best care for your pets, we will now refer after-hours emergencies to locations that provide this standard of care when our team is unavailable.
Why aren’t we available 24 hours a day at Delphos Animal Hospital?
When your pet has an urgent medical problem or emergency, we are here to help Monday through Saturdays during regular office hours. We take emergency calls for established patients during our scheduled times listed above. We have changed our emergency schedule because we found that during the night, we cannot equal the quality of care that we strive to deliver during the day. We feel that you and your pet should have the most optimal care available if an emergency should occur.
We appreciate your understanding, and we will continue to provide the level of care you have come to expect and trust.